Conditions for adoption

- The adoption of a person whose usual residence is in Bulgaria, is allowed in compliance with the Family Code provisions. When the person to be adopted is a Bulgarian citizen, with his/her usual residence in Bulgaria, the consent of the Minister of Justice must be obtained, and the adoption is performed by the Sofia City Court.
- Only a child whose usual residence is in Bulgaria, who is entered in the register of the Ministry of Justice (MJ), can be adopted by a person with the usual residence abroad, who has submitted a permission for adoption of a child, in compliance with the law under their usual residence, and entered in the MP register.
- The adoptive parent ought to be older by at least fifteen years than the adoptee. The law does not specify a maximum age limit, however the national law of the adopter must be taken into consideration, too.
- There is no legal obstacle for the adoption of a child by a single adoptive parent.
- The spouses adopt simultaneously.
- Twins must be adopted together.